Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Innalillah to 2012

Bismillah :) and Assalamualaikum everyone :D

innalillah to 2012. and i really mean it. i hope that whenever i look back at you, i will be reminded of so many things that Allah wants me to learn from.

2012, where should i start? 2011 ended badly as it is. and the mistakes that i made at the end of 2011/early 2012 still haunts me until today. and look where it had gotten me into. not just me, but my closest friends as well.

for all the horrible things and events that happened, i cannot thank you Allah enough for all the good things that came after. alhamdulillah, alhamdulillah, alhamdulillah. i cannot thank Him enough. the friends that i dear most, ottawa-bound people that i considered my family already, places that i can go alone without feeling out of place, food that i can now cook all by myself, events that happened.. so many things. allahuakbar!

alhamdulillah, i thank Allah for how i ended my 2012. Winter Gathering with all of those lovely sisters, and Quebec-Montreal trip with some of my closest friends. finals went smoothly (marks janganlah cerita kan. astagfirullah, its so bad T__T), my fall 2012 term, my first summer, also Montreal-Quebec trip with people that i know i will have an eternal bond with, the horrendous summer heat (affirmative; i cannot stand heat. NOOO), my seniors that left for good and Winter term 2012.

Allah itu Maha Adil, Maha Pemurah, Maha Penyayang, Maha Pengampun dan Maha Mengetahui apa yang ada di dalam hati hambaNya. we can only pray so much and ask for His forgiveness every single day, ask Him to permudahkan all of our plans, but in the end, He knows whats best for each of us. we must ask Him to guide us to His path, and that He will not let us astray from His Love.

allahuakbar :')

for 2013, ill start this year with a clean slate. of course bukannya nak tunggu new year baru nak memperbaharui semua janji2 kita dengan Allah, dengan friends and family, but most importantly dengan diri sendiri, but at least with a new calender, we are more motivated to be the new, and improved person di mata Yang Esa. semoga iman kita bertambah di tahun yang baru ini insyaAllah.


1 comment:

  1. amin.. insya Allah, aisha sama2 ye berubah ke arah kebaikan. moga tahun nie lebih baik drpd tahun lepas =D
